Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A few days in

Well, I've made efforts to do some of the projects long goals. Primarily simple habit ones like flossing and making my bed. Small things, but good habits to have. I've managed to make a schedule/to do list for the week, but haven't held up to the homework and class attending that I ought to be doing. Done ok with a lot of the other stuff though. I definitely hope to turn over a new leaf next quarter.

I did accomplish one of my fun goals this weekend. Will and I went geocaching. Overall it was a lot of fun. We found 2 of the caches we looked for. Each of us found one :) One of the ones we missed because it was apparently quite well hidden, though I got an email from the guy who hid it and I may be able to get a hint pointing me in the right direction. The other we didn't find because we thought it was further off than it really was. It was one that required a fair hike up Manashtash ridge (which scores one for my take 10 hikes goal. I hope/expect to exceed that number) We hadn't realized that it would take such a hike, plus things were snowy/steep/very muddy and we weren't super well dressed for it. On our way we ran into a girl who lived nearby who told us she knew where the cache was and pointed to a hill far in the distance. It seemed a reasonable guestimate of the distance our GPS told us. Between the muddy conditions and sunset not being too far off we decided to pack it in. However after we got back I took a look at the google maps topo and satellite views, and found we were a lot closer than we'd thought. There was a cache were the girl had pointed, but the one we were looking for was closer, with no major uphill or downhill. Had we realized we could have easily found it (assuming it wasn't too well hidden) But oh well. We decided we'd make a goal of finding it further into spring with nice weather, longer days, and hopefully less ice and mud.

Overall not doing too badly with this project so far. I am definitely looking forward to what the new quarter will bring though.